New additions to the Premium Bundle!

For people who want to take their creativity further, the Premium Bundle unlocks advanced features for brush creation, color management, layer management … and now options for editing canvas size and setting image resolution. 

New Premium Bundle features:

Edit canvas menu in Sketchbook for mobile devices
  • Edit image size and canvas size
    The new “Edit Canvas” option in the main menu enables you to edit your canvas after it’s been created.
    The first tab edits the image size - this will change the pixels of your art and the canvas together, useful if you want to make the entire piece larger or smaller.
    The second tab edits the canvas size - the pixels of your art remain the same, but the canvas dimensions will change based on the anchor point you set. This is useful if you’ve run out of space and need to extend your canvas in one direction or another.

  • Set canvas size in inches or centimeters
    In both the New Canvas and the Edit Canvas windows you now have the option to set dimensions in inches or centimeters, as well as pixels.
    Tap the arrow > to change the unit of measure. When you change the unit of measure in Edit Canvas to inches or centimeters, you will also have the option to resample the image.

  • Set canvas resolution in px/inch or px/cm
    In both the New Canvas and the Edit Canvas windows you also have the option to set the resolution of the image.

These Premium Bundle additions are available now on iOS with Sketchbook version 6.0.5, and are coming in January 2024 to Sketchbook on Android. For Android artists who want these updates now, you can join the Sketchbook Beta on Google Play to access these features today.

If you already have the Premium Bundle you will get these new features automatically with the update, no need to do anything to unlock them.

As always, if you have any questions or issues with these features or anything Sketchbook-related, please reach out to us at for help!


Getting creative with stamp brushes


Create your own brushes in Sketchbook