Sketchbook Beta Program

Thank you for your interest in being a beta tester!

Your real-world testing and feedback is an important part of ensuring Sketchbook is enjoyable and functional for millions of users around the world.


We throughly QA a release before sending it out to the beta group, but we are looking to you to test outside of our somewhat controlled environments. Your system configurations, settings, and personal workflows are unique, so you may experience bugs we didn’t catch. Please make sure you always back up your work.

Upcoming beta testing

Android (Q3 2023):

Loading your own downloaded fonts to the text tool

Mac and Windows (Q3 2023):

Flipbook feature improvements
Wintab API preference


How do I get added to a beta testing group?

Most of our beta tests are by invitation only, generally to people who have reached out to us via support and who have expressed an interest in testing future releases. We may also run public beta tests on platforms where this is possible.

How do I send you feedback, and how often?

Please email feedback to, identifying yourself as a beta tester and providing as much detail as you can about the issue and how to reproduce it. Please also let us know what device and OS version you are running. The more information you can give us up front the fewer questions we need to ask to narrow down the source of the problem!

What should I do if I encounter a bug?

If you run into a bug with the beta let us know right away and please don’t try to fix it on your own :). We need to fully understand what’s wrong so we can try to reproduce and fix the bug, and we may have further questions.

Can I use the production build and the beta at the same time?

Most often we’ll be seeking validation of a release we’ve QA’d and are getting ready to submit to the Store, in which case the beta will supersede your existing install just like an update would. Occasionally we may set up a separate beta build and you will be able to have both it and the current version from the app store installed at the same time. This is most likely when we’re seeking longer term feedback on a new feature or workflow that isn’t pending immediate release.

How will I get the beta?

Beta distribution may be a little different from platform to platform. For Windows and Android, expect to download via the Microsoft Store or Google Play as you normally would. For iOS and macOS we utilize TestFlight, an app by Apple, to distribute beta builds. For those on Mac, TestFlight currently is only available for macOS Monterey and higher.

I need to go back to the production build, can I safely uninstall the beta?

Please always reach out to us for advice before uninstalling a beta. In most cases if a beta release superseded the production version on your device you should be able to uninstall the beta and redownload the current production build. Doing this in a way that preserves your settings and files may vary by platform and features of the beta release. Our QA team will have already run this scenario many times so we will be able to provide any necessary tips or advice.